Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Butchery of a city

Lol. Ok so that sounds harsh. But wow. A red dawn. Id love to say this is new news to me.. But no. I knew from last night 9pm. Why? Because im cool like that

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Run rabbit run rabbit run run run

And run I did. Yes, I ran off the shopfloor, grabbed my bags and out of the Hawk. I ran to the cab stand where I waited a painful 10 mins. Clambered into a cab. Got changed in the back seat while relaying to the cabbie the urgency for speed. Arrived. Paid. Ran into the station and onto a coach. Made it by the skin of my teeth.

I'm berry late. Late important late.

Sitting on the train and very frustrated. Im gonna be late for work. Not only that, Im late for work on a day I really should have requested off. Its EID today. And instead of heading out to see Skywalker im on the train to work. A slow one. Hence Ive taken a pic of the detailing on my bag. ..sometimes it makes me happy..

Saturday, 19 September 2009


And there, is the last of the Londonpaper, discarded on a Croydon bus.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

And so the dance ends

Wow. Big icons passing away lately..and the new generation of talentless celebrities are moving in.. Great. Kids of real stars, socialites, drinking, sexing and drugging their way into the public eye..

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Lady and the tramp

Curled up on the bus on the journey home last night. Not lady-like i know but this is what happens when you put me in flats. Interestingly enough, despite not feeling like a lady, i sure behaved like one when this drunkard approached me at the bus window and proceeded to wiggle his tongue furiously at me. Absolutely foul.

Friday, 4 September 2009